We get it. Projects are due, the workday is never long enough and it's hard enough to make time for lunch much less a professional development program. But leadership and professional development opportunities are extremely important to Millennials. 

Need help convincing your boss?

Download our customizable ROI letter here.


why put your employee through lnt u?

In addition to showing that you value your employee, we will provide them with professional development skills such as professional presence, leading up and conflict management. 

They will become more connected with the North Texas community. Through conversations on changing demographics, how to prepare for this vast regional growth, education and how to reverse voter apathy. 

With a class made up of participants from across the region, they'll develop a network of peers from the public and private sector they can call on. In addition, as a LNT U Alumni, they'll have opportunities to engage with fellow LNT and LNT U Alums.